"FFM wants to help Christians understand Muslims, pray for them, and relate God's love to them effectively."
Mission & History
FFM is a prayer, information and literature service for Christians who are concerned with sharing the Gospel with Muslims. FFM started in the United Kingdom in 1915, after a Keswick meeting with Samuel Zwemer. In 1951, Raymond and Mona Joyce and others started a sister Toronto-based FFM for North America.
Our vision: To mobilize Christians worldwide to pray for and reach out to Muslims, fulfilling the Great Commission.
Our mission: FFM exists to partner with churches, Christian organizations and individuals worldwide to inspire and equip Christians to pray for and reach out to Muslims everywhere, fulfilling the Great Commission.
We publish and distribute prayer guides three times a year and share resources through our reference library, website and training.
Core Values: Dependence on God through prayer, serving in humility, and seeking to collaborate with other Christian ministries to Muslims.
FFM is a member of the Canadian Centre for Christian Charities. Our statement of faith and yearly audit report are available on request.
Prayer is an amazing privilege, but it’s also really hard work (the apostle Paul compares it to a wrestling match!) PrayerMate is an award-winning Christian prayer app that seeks to help you actually pray for all the people and causes you care about.
PrayerMate brings all your prayer points together. Whether its your personal prayer points for friends and family, regular updates from some fantastic mission organisations, or the latest PDF prayer letter that just arrived in your inbox, PrayerMate puts it all together in one place and helps you get on and pray.
Or you can also:
E-transfer to ffm.toronto@sympatico.ca. Please include your full name and indicate in the description box if it's for donation or book payment. If it is for a book payment, please also indicate the invoice number.
Send a cheque or money order made out to "Fellowship of Faith for the Muslims" to P.O. Box 65214 Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M4K 3Z2
American donors wishing a tax deductible receipt should send their gift to Interserve U.S.
P.O. Box 418, Upper Darby, PA 19082-0418, please indicate "FOR FFM TORONTO"
Contact us about giving arrangements or more information.
Gifts of over $20 are acknowledged with an official receipt for (Canadian) income tax purposes.
FFM is a member of the the Canadian Council of Christian Charities.
Our statement of faith and yearly audit report are available on request.
"May FFM be used as never before. Prayer is greater than any other factor in meeting the need of the hour."
- From a Missionary overseas
P.O.Box 65214
Toronto, M4K 3Z2
+1 416 778 6702