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"Having all the sources of official Baha'i history at my fingertips, I found that Miller's history filled in a lot of the blanks. For example, for most Baha'is, English translations of the writings of the Bab are limited to "Selections" - and it would surprise believers to learn the volume and content of His authentic writings that have been preserved elsewhere; and in this book, Western Baha'is can read perhaps for the first time a rare English translation of the Persian Bayan. Miller, a student of Arabic, did all Baha'is a favor at the time by translating the Most Holy Book of Baha'u'llah into English, while the West was to have no access to a complete translation for two more decades. His translation reads generally true to the official one that was eventually released in 1992, a century after the passing of Baha'u'llah. (To say, as some critics have said, that Miller did not refer to primary Baha'i sources is incorrect and disregards these most sacred writings of the Bab and Baha'u'llah, among others.) He also reveals stories of believers and "unfaithful" relatives which are beyond the purview of official Baha'i history.

While Miller, a Christian, draws his own conclusions in the final analysis (and Baha'is may come to their own conclusions), his history comes across to me as surprisingly fair and balanced. To critics who say Miller's book is an attack on the Faith, where is the vitriol? The tone is scholarly, not harsh. In contrast, among teachings of "love and unity," is the startling tone of virulence applied to family "Covenant-breakers," such as quoted by Miller from Abdu'l-Baha's Will and Testament." - Review from Truth Seeker

The Baha'I Faith: Its History and Teachings

C$131.75 Regular Price
C$25.50Sale Price
  • Miller, William McElwee

    • Publisher: Gabriel Resources (January 1974)
    • Language: English
    • ISBN-10: 0878081372
    • ISBN-13: 978-0878081370
    • Parcel Dimensions: 22.6 x 14.7 x 2.8 cm
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